Articles classificators
> 65-XX
65-XX Numerical analysis
- 65-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
- 65-03 Historical (must also be assigned at least one classification number from Section 01)
- 65Cxx Probabilistic methods, simulation and stochastic differential equations {For theoretical aspects, see 68U20 and}
- 65Dxx Numerical approximation and computational geometry {Primarily algorithms for theory, see 41-XX and 68Uxx}
- 65Fxx Numerical linear algebra
- 65Gxx Error analysis and interval analysis
- 65Hxx Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations
- 65Jxx Numerical analysis in abstract spaces
- 65Kxx Mathematical programming, optimization and variational techniques
- 65Lxx Ordinary differential equations
- 65Mxx Partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems
- 65Nxx Partial differential equations, boundary value problems
- 65Pxx Numerical problems in dynamical systems [See also 37Mxx]
- 65Rxx Integral equations, integral transforms
- 65Txx Numerical methods in Fourier analysis
- 65Yxx Computer aspects of numerical algorithms
- 65Z05 Applications to physics